
for children between the ages of 50 and 70 – The Chronologically Superior

Cats…Why Must We Obey Them?


Perhaps you’ve caught a glimpse of my cat (aptly named, Kitty-Kitty) in the Header of Chronosuper. For 8 1/2 years he has been my “Companion/Overlord.” He helped me care for my parents in the last years of their lives, and now, sadly, I must care for him until the end. He is in the 4th stage of Chronic Renal Failure, or Kidney Disease. I want to do everything I can to comfort him. I love him.

Currently, I give him Subcutaneous Fluids every other day; a quarter of a Pepcid AC, 2mg of Cyproheptadine, and some kind of nasty syrup that looks like pond scum, on a twice a day basis…it’s a drag for all participants.

If anyone out there on the “WorldWide Magical InterWeb” has suggestions, experience, or tips, I’d love to hear them. In the meantime – Enjoy!…

Kitty-Kitty & Mom; afternoon nap

Kitty-Kitty & Mom; afternoon nap


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2 thoughts on “Cats…Why Must We Obey Them?

  1. I think the title should have been…”Cats…Why We MUST Obey Them!” Sorry that KittyKitty is suffering and I know you are making him feel much better by loving him through this. Not looking forward to that time with my Tucker kitty…


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